AU Optronics Success Story | Packaging | Smurfit Kappa


Sustainable, hygenic packaging leads to a 50% increase in sales

The Challenge
Traditionally SoFruPak strawberries were transported in punnets made of wood veneer which were used multiple times. The punnets however were not always were not stored in a suitable way and often attracted fungi and mildew. Smurfit Kappa were tasked with designing a sustainable solution to address all of these issues.
Our Approach
Taking into consideration all of the existing issues and using their extensive knowledge and expertise in the fruit & veg sector, Smurfit Kappa developed a sustainable corrugated solution. The numerous air holes in the single packs and the bottomless crate gave an unprecedented opportunity for the strawberries to cool quickly and effectively.
The Result
The insights from the testing and analysis that were used to create the SofruPak and SofruBox designs provided the best logistic performance and reduced the storage space by 70%. In addition the eye catching branded design created maximum impact in store and led to a 50% increase in sales profit.

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