Vision and strategy


Our vision is to be a globally admired business, dynamically and sustainably delivering secure and superior returns for all stakeholders.

How we do this, goes beyond dynamic business performance. We strongly believe in our responsibility to our people, our environment and the countries in which we operate. 

For our employees, we have developed industry-leading work practices to help them excel by driving and developing their careers and rewarding and retaining them in our organisation.

For customers, we are committed to delivering innovative customer-focused, sustainable, and cost-efficient packaging and logistics solutions.

Our commitment to the environment is to protect it and constantly improve our performance, with reduced emissions and limiting our footprint and impact on the environment. In countries where we operate, we set ourselves best-practice targets to help local communities to benefit from our presence.

Together, all of these values drive our success and define who we are. These values and standards of excellence are proven to deliver the best performance for our customers and the best results for all of our stakeholders.