Alternativa bolsa de plástico | Smurfit Kappa


See how we eliminated plastic sacks for transporting chocolate in Colombia by offering a paper-based alternative

The Challenge
F&M Chocolates SAS in Colombia produces 1,200 tonnes of chocolate per year which was distributed in unsustainable plastic sacks. The company wanted to move to paper-based packaging however as chocolate is sensitive to oil migration and has a smell, they required packaging with a sufficient barrier to prevent transfer of both.
The Approach
Smurfit Kappa applied their expertise in paper-based solutions for smaller size chocolate snacks to develop an industrial solution. A multi-layer paper sack was developed which allowed chocolate flakes to be easily packed. An easy-opening design makes it simple for industrial customers to use at their sites.
The Result
The new paper-based sack provided the customer with a sustainable solution that eliminated the need for plastic. In addition the new sack is less expensive to produce resulting in cost savings.

Talk to our experts about how we can help you make the change to Better Planet Packaging


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