Multi-Material Packaging Alternative | Smurfit Kappa


Discover how Biral Pumps achieved a 20% cost saving by switching to a mono material packaging solution

The Challenge
Biral Pumps, a Swiss manufacturer of industrial pumps wanted to streamline their packaging to improve sustainability and reduce costs. The previous packaging solution had 37 packaging items including unsustainable materials such as foil, EPS, copper clips and PP tape.
The Solution
Smurfit Kappa developed a new corrugated pack with two inserts providing a simple yet effective mono material solution that requires less space for storage and less packaging materials.
The Result
The sustainable solution has 60% less items to handle resulting in a 20% cost saving. Biral Pumps were also able to reduce the number of pallets required for storage by 40%. Another great example of our Better Planet Packaging solutions.

Talk to our experts about how we can help you make the change to Better Planet Packaging


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