Preserving freshness: the impact of water-resistant trays on produce quality

Shielding freshness: The power of water-resistant trays for fresh produce

Cardboard fresh produce tray 

Packaging isn't just about encasing products in the agriculture and food industry; it's a vital link in the journey from farm to table, safeguarding the essence of fresh produce.

Imagine crisp, succulent fruits and vibrant vegetables – each one protected by the embrace of water-resistant trays, ensuring they arrive at their destination as nature intended. These trays guard the quality of produce, delivering it to supermarkets or directly to eager consumers.

In this blog, we explore the impact of embracing water-resistant cardboard trays, revealing how this simple switch can not only enhance protection for your produce, but also elevate your brand's reputation and bolster your bottom line.

What makes a produce tray water-resistant?

Crafted using paper-based materials with the addition of coatings made from substances such as synthetic chemicals, wax, or plastic-free varnishes, these trays repel moisture with ease, keeping your fruits and vegetables shielded from the elements.

Coated produce box testing 

With sealed seams and edges that enhance their defences, these trays go above and beyond to keep moisture at bay, ensuring your produce stays fresh and flavourful throughout its journey.

What are the main differences between traditional and water-resistant produce trays?

Despite performing a similar function, there are some key differences between traditional style and water-resistant produce trays.

  • Durability - The strength and durability of traditional trays can vary depending on the materials used. Some materials are prone to warping or breaking, leaving produce vulnerable to the harsh realities of shipping and storage. But water-resistant trays are crafted with resilience in mind. By fortifying your packaging with moisture-resistant coatings, you're not just protecting your goods; you're preserving your business's reputation. With minimised risks of physical damage during transit, you're ensuring quality standards are upheld and an unparalleled unboxing experience for your cherished customers.
  • Moisture - Moisture poses a relentless threat to the integrity of your precious produce. Traditional trays, with their susceptibility to humidity, often leave fruits and vegetables defenceless against the elements which can compromise freshness and quality. Water-resistant trays, however, are purposefully crafted to combat such challenges. Designed to resist moisture, these trays create a protective barrier around produce, shielding fruits and vegetables from the harmful impacts of humidity. This ensures that the contents reach their destination unscathed, maintaining their integrity and appeal. Additionally, these trays can be further enhanced with moisture-resistant coatings applied to the inside, providing an extra layer of protection to preserve the produce during transit and bolster the longevity of the packaging.
  • Sustainability - Traditional trays can sometimes fall short of modern environmental standards due to their construction materials, potentially undermining your brand's commitment to the planet. However, by turning to water-resistant trays crafted from eco-friendly materials and coated with plastic-free varnishes, your business showcases a proactive approach to environmental stewardship. These trays, designed for recyclability, symbolise your dedication to reducing environmental impact while protecting your produce. This conscious decision not only aligns with the values of eco-conscious consumers but also enhances your brand's reputation for responsible practices. Through such choices, your business not only safeguards its products but also takes meaningful steps towards a greener future, fostering increased sales and lasting customer loyalty along the way.
  • Contamination - Contamination is always a threat in the world of agriculture and produce, and traditional trays can inadvertently expose produce to contaminants, compromising your goods. The porous nature of some materials used in traditional trays can hold bacteria and pathogens. In contrast, water-resistant trays act as a protective shield against contamination, forming sturdy barriers against impurities. Their surfaces make it challenging for contaminants to have an impact, for a safer and more hygienic shipping and storage environment. This fosters customer peace of mind, ensuring fresh, safe produce, driving repeat sales and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Prioritising safety and quality help to elevate your reputation, strengthening market position and fostering business success.
Benefits of coated packaging

What are the key advantages of water-resistant produce trays?

  • Waste reduction - By acting as a barrier against water-related damage, which can prematurely spoil produce, these trays ensure that more goods reach consumers fresh and ready to enjoy. This reduction in waste isn’t just good for the environment – it’s a game-changer for your business, minimising losses, and the associated costs. For consumers, it means quality assurance with every purchase, fostering loyalty and satisfaction. By prioritising freshness and sustainability, you can build trust, drive sales, and secure long-term success.
  • Extending freshness - Water-resistant trays play a crucial role in preserving the freshness of produce. By guarding produce from external factors like humidity and spillages, these trays ensure that goods remain fresh and usable for an extended period. This not only enhances the consumer experience by retaining the freshness of produce but also reduces the likelihood of food waste and the associated costs of returns for your business.
  • Wow factor printing potential - Water-resistant produce trays offer not only functional benefits but also remarkable printing potential. These trays serve as ideal canvases for branding, allowing you to convey logos, brand colours, and messaging with clarity and vibrancy. By leveraging printing technology, you can elevate your brand presence and engage consumers effectively. As a result, you can showcase products with confidence, knowing that they are not only protected by water-resistant packaging but also adorned with compelling branding that resonates with consumers.

Why embrace water-resistant trays for fresh produce?

Water-resistant cardboard trays are a game-changer in agriculture and food packaging. These trays are more than just a means to transport produce from A to B; they protect and preserve freshness and quality with minimal environmental impact. They shield against moisture, contamination, and physical damage, reducing waste and extending freshness.

Water resistant cardboard produce tray 931x400px 

Customisable prints enhance brand visibility, while hygiene standards and easy cleaning provide peace of mind. In essence, these trays epitomise efficiency and effectiveness, satisfying consumers and driving business success for a sustainable future.

How can we help you?

At Smurfit Kappa, we’re committed to producing 100% recyclable, water-resistant packaging solutions, while driving wider change and championing green practices across supply chains.

With our vast range of moisture-resistant packaging solutions, we help you to package produce with moisture protection in mind, whilst reducing waste and your impact on the planet. Find out more today!

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