Smurfit Kappa - Skogsbruk



All papirbasert emballasje  er laget av trefibre, et naturlig og fornybart råmateriale. 

Hos Smurfit Kappa kommer 75 % av fibrene fra resirkulerte kilder, og kun 25 % direkte fra ferskt treverk. Vi har veldig strenge standarder for å garantere at alt treverk som leveres til våre fabrikker for ny tremasse, imøtekommer de høyeste etiske standarder.  Enten gjennom direkte plantasje (slik som i Latin-Amerika) eller gjennom et nettverk av tiltrodde og sertifiserte leverandører (Europa), har vi utviklet en konsekvent tilnærming til vårt treverksmateriale. Sertifisering av emballeringskjede (FSC eller PEFC) er på plass på de fleste av våre fabrikker og skogsoperasjoner, og 100 % overholdelse er et klart mål.

Alt treverk vi benytter, kommer fra kultiverte skoger (i motsetning til primærskog). For papirproduksjon benytter vi hovedsakelig treverk som ikke er egnet for andre bruksområder innen industri, og handler derfor på en ansvarlig måte i forhold til andre treverksaktiviteter. Vårt treverk kommer hovedsakelig fra tre ulike kilder.

  • Tynning av skog - umodne trær som trekkes ut fra den kultiverte skogen for å muliggjøre at de gjenværende trærne får sunn vekst
  • Ferdigvokste tretopper og grener (rundtømmer går til sagbrukene
  • Sagbruksavfall (fliser, spon og støv) fra konstruksjons- og tømmerindustrien.

For å maksimere effektiv bruk av treverk, benytter vi det ‘"ubrukte" materialet, slik som bark, trerester eller stubber, til å generere  biogen oppvarming og elektrisk i høyeffektive biomassekjeler.  Dette bidrar til å tilfredsstille energibehovene til våre fabrikker for ny tremasse, samtidig som det begrenser utslipp av fossilt CO2 . Les mer om biologiske brennstoffer.

Våre  bærekraftige retningslinjer for opprinnelse beskriver vår forretningsførsel med hensyn til alle leveranser av treprodukter, uansett om disse leveransene har opprinnelse fra våre egne skoger eller innkjøpt fra tredjepart. Disse generelle retningslinjene gjelder for hvert enkelt av landene der vi opererer

Vi anerkjenner og bruker 2 store internasjonale skjema for sertifisering innen skogbruk.  The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) og Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). 


Within Smurfit Kappa 75% of the fibres we use are from recycled sources and only 25% comes directly from fresh wood.  

We have very strict standards to guarantee that all wood supplied to our virgin pulp mills meets the highest standards of ethics.  Either through direct plantation (like in Latin America) or through a network of trusted and certified suppliers (Europe), we have developed a consistent approach to our wood supply. Chain of Custody certification (FSC® or PEFC™) is in place for most of our mills and forest operations and 100% compliance is a clear target.
All our wood is coming from cultivated forests (as opposed to primary forest). For paper making, we mostly use wood unsuitable for other industrial applications and therefore act complementary to other responsible wood activities. Our wood mainly derives from three types of sources
Forest thinnings - immature trees extracted from the cultivated forest to enable those remaining to grow to healthy maturity

  • Mature tree tops and branches (round wood goes to saw mills)
  • Sawmill waste (slabs, chips and dust) - from the construction and timber industry.
  • To maximise the efficient use of wood, we use the ‘unused’ material, such as bark, forest remnants or stumps, to generate biogenic heat and electricity in high efficiency biomass boilers. This helps satisfy the energy needs of our virgin pulp mills whilst limiting fossil CO2 emissions.

Our  sustainable sourcing policy describe our codes of conduct with regard to all supplies of wood products, whether coming from our own forests or purchased from third party suppliers. This general policy is applied in each of the countries where we operate:
Our largest owned forest plantations are in Colombia, where we have 69,500 hectares of which 64% is commercial plantations, 31% is protected natural forest and 5% is for infrastructure.
Our efforts have been towards the genetic improvement of the species we plant (pine and eucalyptus), their phytosanitary protection and the best nursery and sylviculture practices, which allows greater productivity in minimum the amount of land. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are not used. Since 2003, our Colombian forest has operated under a management system that has been certified in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®).
We own 35,000 hectares of forest of which 60% are commercial plantations and 40% are natural reserves.  The main species harvested in the commercial plantations are varieties of eucalyptus, pine and gmelina.  A proportion is also used for research and development such as sylviculture, plantation management, forest protection and research.
The forest plantations in Venezuela have not yet been certified but are well advanced in terms of best practice and will seek certifications when local circumstances permit.
We operate under a sustainable forest management system that has been certified in accordance with the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC™). Central Forestal, a dedicated forestry company, takes care from 1968 of the relationship with the forest owners, supplies our mills in Spain as well of sawmills of the region that at the same time supply their by-products to our paper mills and secures full compliance with the Smurfit Kappa group principles. Their chain of custody is certified under PEFC™ and FSC® systems. 
The Aquitaine forest of maritime pine covers 0.9 million hectares. This cultivated forest belongs to private owners.  It is managed in a sustainable way and is certified PEFC™ and FSC® Controlled Wood
Smurfit Kappa Comptoir du Pin, a dedicated forestry company, has been working collaboratively with the private owners and the forest research institutes for more than 60 years to improve the forest competitiveness in terms of genetics, phytosanitary protection and harvesting methods.
Since 2010, Smurfit Kappa Comptoir du Pin has developed an activity to generate heat and electricity from tree stumps. 
We recognise and utilise the 2 major international forest certification schemes, The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC™).