Testliner - Amerika
Papír na výrobu vlnité lepenky

Testliner - The Americas

High quality brown testliner is made of 100% high-quality recycled fibres.

High quality brown testliner is made of 100% high quality recycled fibres. 

Starch is added to guarantee higher strength levels.

Jaké jsou technické parametry tohoto výrobku?

  • Testliner brown is available in the substance range 150-350 g/m²
  • Wide range of substances offers typical Ring Crush values of 40-120 lb (TAPPI 818)
  • This grade may be produced as sized or unsized quality
  • Stable and sustained strength properties also under varying climate conditions
  • Can be used safely for various food packaging types. For detailed declarations please contact us
  • All delivered reels are FSC® Chain of Custody certified

K čemu se tento výrobek běžně používá?

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